How Gabby Allen’s Indecisiveness Completely Changed The Challenge Double Agents

Allan Aguirre
13 min readJul 2, 2021


On Episode 10 of the Challenge Double Agents, Devin Walker and Gabby Allen won the daily challenge and were given power to vote a team into elimination or volunteer themselves. Devin did not want to volunteer as he already had a Gold Skull and they were unsure if it would be a male or female day, even though everyone in the house was acting as if it was going to be a female elimination (mostly due to women in the game lacking skulls).

Gabby chose not to volunteer, instead throwing down eventual winner Amber Borzotra into elimination. Now, I think this one of the critical moment in the game and had Gabby volunteered herself, it would have dramatically changed the rest of the season. Here is the simulation of what I believe would have went down:

Episode 10 Redone
Hall Brawl: Gabby defeats Amber M
Gabby steals Fessy as a partner.
Aneesa picks Cory as her new partner.
Devin is now the Rogue Agent.

Post-Elim Summary: Considering how well Gabby performed against a bigger veteran with headbanger experience (Nany), I feel safe assuming she would take out Amber M in Hall Brawl. She would pick Fessy as her new partner due to her showmance with the fellow. Aneesa then picks long-time friend and former hook-up buddy Cory to be her new partner. Devin becomes rogue, which allows him to avoid the subsequent elimination, critical as he was initially the house vote in Episode 11.

Episodes 11& 12
Swimming Daily Challenge: Big T & CT win
House Vote (Compromised Agent): Darrell & Amber B
Lolo *Quits*
Second House Vote Due To Lolo Quitting: Josh & Nany
First Double Agent Vote: CT picks Fessy & Gabby to face Darrell & Amber B
Second Double Agent Vote: CT picks himself & Big T to face Josh & Nany

Pre-Elim Summary: We assume Big T & CT still win this daily challenge; the only significant difference is that Fessy & Gabby potentially pose a threat. Fessy is a strong swimmer, and Gabby is a bit of an unknown. If you subscribe to the theory that CT/Big T were allowed to bend the rules of the drop-off zone, then the conversation is irrelevant, and they were going to win regardless. CT tried to get the Goof as the house vote, and instead, Kam would throw in Darrell thinking that if CT was going to volunteer himself no matter what, they have to throw a big threat at him. Even though she and Leroy worked with Darrell and the BB players worked with Amber B, they are on the fringe of the alliance. If my numbers are correct, Kam, Leroy/Kaycee, Fessy/Gabby, Josh/Nany, and Cory/Aneesa will vote for Darrell/Amber, with the remaining five votes (Devin, Kyle, Nam, Darrell, Amber) going Josh’s way.

With the added twist that the team with the second most votes get put into elimination due to Lolo leaving the game, Josh & Nany get compromised alongside Darrell & Amber B. CT chooses the Goof to be his opponent and then sees this as a golden opportunity to take out a massive threat, and pits Fessy against Darrell.

Dead Ringer (Tangerine Puzzle): CT defeats Josh, Darrell defeats Fessy
CT steals Kam as a partner (in an obnoxious fashion).
Darrell steals Kaycee as a partner (respectfully).
Kyle picks Nany as his new partner (yells, Nany, I’m home!).
Leroy picks Gabby as his new partner.
Devin picks Big T as his new partner.
Nam receives Amber B as his new partner. (Yep, 6 new partnerships and 2 eliminations).

The elimination we need to talk about first is Fessy vs. Darrell. I can’t tell if Fessy’s size hurt or helps him in this elimination. He is the best athlete in the house in terms of speed and leaping ability, and because of that, I’d expect him to do well. At the same time, he has little experience in events like this. While Fessy is decent with puzzles, Darrell’s specialty is tangrams. I polled ten challenge experts, seven out of ten picked Darrell for the win, and thus, we are moving him on in the game, and Fessy goes from the Final to an Episode 12 exit. CT beats Josh just like what happened on the actual Double Agents.

Like the actual season, CT first picks a new partner, and he breaks Big T’s heart by taking Kam in the most obnoxious fashion. After getting blindsided by his alliance, Darrell realizes that he has to play to win and takes Kaycee as his new partner, except he doesn’t show his full ass like CT. It means that four men, Kyle/Leroy/Devin/Nam, pick between Big T/Amber B/Nany/Gabby as their new partners. Since Kyle got his partner stolen first, he gets first pick and takes his former partner Nany. Leroy picks Gabby, citing that her having a skull already makes it easier on those who don’t. Devin keeps saying Big Brother sucks, and Big T is one of his best friends, so he takes her. Meaning, Nam and Amber B are now partners.

Episode 13
Late Night Eating + Escape the Cell Challenge: Leroy & Gabby win
Nam Medical DQ
Amber B is a Rogue Agent
House Vote (Compromised Agent): Devin & Big T
Double Agent Vote: Kyle & Nany

Originally, Leroy & Kaycee won this challenge together. Their only real competition in this challenge was Cory & Gabby. Swap out Kaycee for the second-place finisher, and it is probably safe to assume that Leroy & Gabby take the win. Darrell & Kaycee likely would have come in a close second. Knowing that Kam was on Leroy’s side to do any math for them is a huge bonus as well. The house knew that it would be a girl’s elimination due to Nam’s injury, making Amber B a rogue agent. Leroy’s goal is to get Nany a Skull. They make Big T the house vote as she is the person Nany would have been the most comfortable facing; additionally, Big T was the only other player eligible without a Skull.

Ring of Spies (Modified Pole Wrestle): Nany defeats Big T
Nany steals Darrell as a partner.
Kaycee picks Kyle as a partner.
Amber receives Devin as a partner.

Since Nany took out Gabby, it is fair to expect her to take a less fit Big T 2–0 in a headbanger. This elimination breaks my heart because now Big T does not get her big elimination win moment. Nany takes the Skull and continues to have doubts about Kyle as a partner. When she beat Gabby, she stole Fessy from Aneesa; however, with Fessy being out of the game, she chooses the 4x Champ Darrell to be her partner. She opts out of taking Leroy to spread their alliances’ voting power. Kaycee takes Kyle because she thinks he is stronger than Devin. Devin gets a default Big Brother partner in Amber, the option he tried to avoid in the previous episode.

So for reference, at this point in the game, the pairs are:

CT & Kam (Both w Skulls)
Leroy & Gabby (Both w Skulls)
Darrell & Nany (Both w Skulls)
Kyle & Kaycee (Both w Skulls)
Devin & Amber B (Only Devin w Skull)
Cory & Aneesa (Only Aneesa w Skull)

Episode 14
Undercover (Underwater Swimming + Decoding): CT & Kam Win
House Vote (Compromised Agent): Cory & Aneesa
Double Agents Vote: Kyle & Kaycee

Probably the most complex daily challenge to figure out results. Kyle & Aneesa originally pulled out a shocking win, except with Cory being Aneesa’s partner; she is not capable of winning the second time around as he cannot swim long distances underwater. Even though Kaycee and Kyle performed well in this challenge originally, neither was the stronger puzzle person in their pairing. For this reason, I give the slightest of edges to CT & Kam, who performed well in this challenge despite some bickering between the two. Leroy and Gabby also had the potential to win this challenge; again, I am not entirely sure of Gabby’s swimming competency.

After a CT & Kam win, Cory pleas to be the house vote, much to the dismay of Aneesa. While some would prefer to make Devin the house vote, they know CT’s connection could lead to some funny business with the Double Agent vote. Thus, they make Cory the house vote; that way, Kam can protect Nany and Leroy’s pairs while also allowing CT to defend his #1 ally in Devin. CT throws Kyle under the bus to face Cory.

Snapping Point (Reverse Tug of War): Cory defeats Kyle
Cory picks Kaycee as his new partner
Aneesa is a Rogue Agent

Cory’s speed and explosiveness lead to him beating Kyle in a reverse tug of war. He picks Kaycee as a new partner, stating that he is doing so because if Aneesa is rogue, she can’t be selected for the subsequent elimination and thus has a better shot at the final. In reality, it is an excuse to have a better partner for the final.

Episode 15
Spy Dive (Sky Dive + Color Memorize): CT & Kam Win
House Vote: Devin & Amber B
Double Agents Vote: Cory & Kaycee

In the original challenge, it came down to seconds between Leroy/Kaycee & Cory/Kam. With Cory being a downgrade to Leroy mentally for Kaycee and CT being a massive upgrade mentally to Cory (to the point Kam does not even need to solve the pattern), I am putting my money on CT and Kam pulling another out. Apologies if this is becoming boring; it’s just hard to bet against CT and Kam because their baseline performance should be pretty high. Devin & Amber would have been threats in this challenge due to Devin’s mental strength, except I don’t think Devin could keep up with Amber cardio-wise, and because of that, they’d fall a few seconds short of the victory.

With Amber B not having a skull, she pleads to be the house vote, everyone agrees. It comes down to Gabby or Kaycee for the Double Agents pick. Kam does not want to throw Kaycee into elimination; CT does because it will give them a better chance at winning the final if Kaycee gets taken out. She relents after seeing his point and allows CT to throw Kaycee in.

Operation Fire Escape (Hog Tie): Kaycee defeats Amber B
Kaycee keeps Cory as her partner
Aneesa receives Devin as her new partner

As the most explosive female athlete on the Challenge, Kaycee kills this elimination. Amber puts up a decent fight; she just does not have the core strength and explosiveness to keep up with Kaycee.

So for reference, at this point in the game, the pairs are:

CT & Kam (Both w Skulls)
Leroy & Gabby (Both w Skulls)
Darrell & Nany (Both w Skulls)
Cory & Kaycee (Both w Skulls)
Devin & Aneesa (Both w Skulls)

Episode 16
Global Domination (Hamster Balls): CT & Kam Win
House Vote: Devin & Aneesa
Double Agents Vote: Cory & Kaycee

Being the winners of the last challenge, CT & Kam were allowed to go twice on offense in this daily challenge. They also had Leroy, Devin, and Nany’s pairs’ support towards a win. Essentially, they are reaping the benefits that Leroy & Kaycee had in the original Double Agents.

Everyone makes Devin & Aneesa the house vote because they believe it will be a male elimination, and Devin is the most beatable. CT and Kam consider putting Darrell in elimination, ultimately deciding it is too risky if it is a girls’ day, instead throwing in Cory & Kaycee yet again.

Hall Brawl: Kaycee eliminates Aneesa
Kaycee keeps Cory as her partner
Devin is a Rogue Agent

Even though Aneesa has the weight to do well in a Hall Brawl, she does not keep up with Kaycee’s speed or strength. It is a 2–0 win for Kaycee, and Aneesa comes up short of a final, just in a different way. Kaycee chooses to ride with Cory, hopefully to the end.

Episode 17
Escape the Volcano (Who is the best at Math): CT & Kam Win
House Vote: Cory & Kaycee
Double Agent Vote: Darrell & Nany

This daily challenge was a competition of who is the best at math. Kam completely dominated this challenge for her and Cory, partnered with CT; they get the W easily. The house vote had Darrell, Cory, and Kaycee voting Leroy into elimination and Leroy, Nany, Gabby voting Cory into elimination. Devin was the swing vote, and he ultimately chose to save Leroy as he viewed Cory/Darrell as more significant threats in the final, and also, he did not have the best history with either of the other two males.

Darrell becomes the Double Agent vote to guarantee Leroy’s spot in the final.

Hall Brawl: Cory defeats Darrell
Cory keeps Kaycee as a partner
Devin receives Nany as his new partner

Apologies to all my fellow Darrell fans … I think Cory’s speed and athleticism give him the win in a Hall Brawl against Darrell. Cory had a scholarship to play defensive back in college that he gave up due to his hometown girlfriend faking a pregnancy. The guy is uber-athletic and knows how to tackle. If the game were Pole Wrestle, I would take Darrell; knowing that speed matters in a Hall Brawl, I got to take Cory. He keeps Kayce for the final, and Devin gets Nany, much to each other’s dismay.

CT & Kam
Leroy & Gabby
Cory & Kaycee
Devin & Nany


In the initial run, CT/Kam and Cory/Kaycee would lead the pack, Leroy/Gabby trailing not too far away in 3rd, and Devin/Nany would be a clear 4th by a decent margin. CT & Amber each individually won the puzzle challenge that allowed Amber to switch partners; she chose to stick with CT. Assuming that CT gets the win here, we believe he keeps Kam as a partner.

They continue in the final, and in the eating portion, Leroy/Gabby and Cory/Kaycee gain a bit on CT/Kam. Cory/Kaycee finish the eating portion just a few seconds ahead of CT/Kam, and with the ability to give extra food, they dole CT/Kam and an extra plate and head on out to the kayaking portion. Due to CT/Kam having an extra plate, Leroy/Gabby move into second place. Eventually, CT/Kam finish and head off to get back in first. Devin/Nany are clearly in 4th at this point and are struggling to put down their food. After the kayaking, teams have to memorize a totem pole pattern — it is here where Cory/Kaycee slip up, Leroy/Gabby take the slightest of leads and move into 1st place. Cory/Kaycee and CT/Kam finish simultaneously, and footsteps separate the three teams as they move onto the cave where one of their members has to solve a math problem. In the cave, CT/Kam retakes first by solving their math problems. Leroy/Gabby & Cory/Kaycee struggle; however, they have about 20 minutes before Devin/Nany gets to the cave. Leroy/Gabby finish in 2nd, Cory/Kaycee come in 3rd and complete the math just as Devin/Nany arrive at the cave. Devin & Nany get purged from the final, sadly.

CT chooses to keep Kam as his partner for Day 2.


The rest of the final goes chalk. CT and Kam never let go of the lead due to their combined cardio and puzzle skills, Leroy and Gabby’s mental edge gives them the second-place finish, and while Cory and Kaycee may put up the fastest pace, the puzzles set them back as a pair.

Final Results:

1st CT and Kam win 900k Dollars
2nd Leroy and Gabby win 100k Dollars
3rd Cory and Kayce win 0 Dollars
4th Devin and Nany purged



Allan Aguirre
Allan Aguirre

Written by Allan Aguirre

28 years old. I blog about MTV's the Challenge and will dabble into other subjects occasionally. Follow me on Twitter for the occasional bad joke.

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