Do’s and Don’ts of AYCE Korean BBQ

Hey there, you may be new to the world of AYCE KBBQ, but I am here to give you some tips to guide yourself. If you are already a pro, enjoy the ride.
Don’t pay 20 dollars for a basic KBBQ
I have seen a lot of newcomers to the sport get completely cheated out of their experience because of what they know, or what they are used to. A lot of white people and noobs encounter KBBQ for the first time somewhere near them after watching their friends post about it on social media. And here’s the thing, all you can eat meat is delicious, and feels completely worth it for 20 dollars.
That is until you learn they sell the same basic KBBQ for as low as 9–11 dollars at other establishments. Even if the meat is a tiny bit worse, that’s half the price, and I don’t know about you personally, but food tastes a hell of a lot better when I know I am getting a deal.
Springing for Deluxe or Luxury KBBQ for a birthday is a bigger deal, however, do not ever drop more than 16+ on a KBBQ place if it has a YELP rating worse than 4 stars.
Don’t have soup
Another rookie mistake is going for the Tofu Soup. Generally you should go to a Korean restaurant that specializes in soup if you want that. At AYCE places, it’s a waste of time, fills you up too quickly, and the soups are usually subpar. This is due to 2 major factors: #1 they don’t specialize in soup, and #2 they will make a soup and leave it out for a while, meaning you’re getting old, often bad soup.
Do go for Steamed Egg
Any place that includes steamed egg in their basic menu is an almost must for me. This dish is simple, yet it is a great addition to your overall meal.
Do go for Rice Paper and Don’t go for Rice
I am a major rice lover. Rice dishes are my go-to at most restaurants. Pineapple fried rice, Chaufa De Pollo, and simple white rice are favorites of mine. At KBBQ, I have learned that rice is often too filling, and unnecessary with the meal. Go for the Rice Paper, it is great to make mini wraps, or even eat by itself. The tortillas of the KBBQ world.
Don’t go for Chicken anything
Chicken is the worst. I hate it when I go with a person who has never been and they insist on getting chicken. It takes so long to cook in order for it not be raw, and then it never tastes satisfying enough for it to warrant the amount of grill space that it takes up, or the time it takes to cook.
It might be my favorite meat when I go to almost any other restaurant, but chicken at KBBQ is a bad look.
Don’t go for Spicy Dishes unless you get a grill change after
In order to keep yourself safe from getting sick, the spicy dishes often stick to the grill a ton. Thus, some of the bacteria from the uncooked meat can grab onto already cooked meat, which could lead to you spending a good amount of time in the bathroom.
Do get Ice Cream if they have it
As full as you may get, do not reject ice cream from the places that offer it. A nice chocolate or matcha will really hit the spot, like a nice cigarette after sex. What?…
Do learn to love brisket
I did not understand the appeal until over time the simple taste took over my life. I loved mixing and matching different sauces, veggies, and egg with my brisket in order to get the perfect taste. It’s like the color blue, it may not be your favorite when you were young, you had to spend some time messing around with some yellows and purples, but now you have matured and you’ve come to your senses. People with innate taste for it from the start are natural talents.
Don’t let too many cooks into the kitchen
If you have a group of 4 people, maximum 2 people cooking, with 1 main cook.
If you have a group of 5 people, same rule stands, except both cooks are on the same level.
If you have a group of 8 people, maximum 5 people, cooking, 2 main cooks, 2 sub cooks, and 1 dish passer.
If you are on a date, you are the one cooking.
If it is your first time, you are not cooking.
If it is both your first times, you might enjoy it, but you will not get the proper level of enjoyment.
Do try something you have never had before
Things I tried that I never had before KBBQ: Jumuluk, Beef Belly, non fried Calamari, large intestine, small intenstine, etc.
Some of these I loved, some of these disgusted me, and I feel like a better person having tried them.
Do go 1 plate too far
You’re here for a good time, not a long time. You’ll hate yourself for going 1 plate too far, it will be worth it in the end. Don’t go five plates too far, that’s a bad hate yourself, not a hate yourself where you will do it again.