Challenge Final Reckoning Episode 5 Breakdown: Working out the relationships

Allan Aguirre
6 min readAug 9, 2018

Another Challenge episode, another week without an elimination. While most recaps go through the episode, I decided we should instead breakdown the episode by relationships because updating everyone on the dynamic relationships should be the focus on such a pair-oriented season. I will break them down in the order of the daily challenge from this episode.

In the daily challenge, players must traverse ropes, dangling over the water, to a finish line.

When a player falls, the team loses. If a player completes the course but their partner drops on the second rope, their score is two ropes. However, if the player in front drops, their performance is over and it is based on where the person behind them was.

Joss and Sylvia: This duo spent some time working out together. Joss was working Sylvia out like he would himself. Sylvia wants him to understand that she cannot go at his pace. During the challenge, Joss finishes and leaves Sylvia in the dust. Sylvia falls after the third rope. She is pissed when she gets to shore and sees Joss kissing Amanda at the finish line.
3 Ropes

Zach and Amanda: This partnership fails as Zach spends a decent amount of time in the air attempting to help Amanda. Zach falls while on the 5th rope, but because Amanda is still on the 3rd rope, they get the same score as Joss and Sylvia. Amanda ends up making it all the way to the end on her own. She is in much better shape this season and it shows. The relationship between Zach and Amanda has gone swimmingly so far.
3 Ropes

Kyle and Brad: The show switched from the Kyle show to the Brad show this week. He is dealing with the aftermath of last week’s events. People make a lot of jokes at Brad’s expense, but watching him explain his financial limitations whilst buying Britni a birthday present was nonetheless heartbreaking. He might break it off with Britni due to the redemption house rumors (Brad tweeted they are not in an exclusive relationship this week). This team was still able to beast through the challenge and complete the course.
Course Completed

CT and Veronica: CT has been complaining about Veronica this entire season, as opposed to supporting her. CT has stated before if he wins another season, he will likely retire. He is bitter Veronica is keeping him from possibly winning and retiring. Veronica is 40, only 5'0, and misses the jump for the first rope. They get nothing.
0 Ropes

Faith and Angela: The team is getting their flirt on. While Faith hooked up with Kyle, she is not cozying up to Nelson (not overtly). They are trying to Polidick to the top. Faith does well in the mission, while Angela is unable to make it farther than the first rope.
1 Rope

Jozea and DaVonne: Along with Faith/Angela, they struggle in this challenge because CT keeps yelling at them to psyche them out so they can also lose on the first steak, like Veronica. Eventually, Jozea advance to the second rope and DaVonne to the first. Jozea is terrified because if he falls, he falls into the water. People make fun of his swimming skills after he falls and swims back to shore rather ungracefully, however, considering the fall, he would never have been able to do that a couple months ago. Their big angle this episode is they hold ‘information’ they gained in the Redemption House over the other players. Questionable strategy.
1 Rope

Shane and Nelson: Nelson is generally very clumsy. He falls on the 5th rope while Shane is on the second, giving them a score of two ropes. Shane finishes the course. We also saw Nelson and Kayleigh’s relationship advance this episode, although very spastically. The two fancy each other and it is evident as Kayleigh throws a fit when she believes Nelson is flirting with Faith.
2 Ropes

Tony and Bananas: They finish the course with ease. Later in the episode, Tony gets into it with Bananas. He explains his frustration with Bananas cliches and undermining quips.
Course Completed

Cara Maria and Marie: Cara Maria completes the course with ease and Marie falls after the first rope. This partnership sucks because Cara does not make an effort to elevate Marie. Cara has never had a bad partner before and therefore she does not realize that certain people need more help than she does. It is somewhat ironic as her previous partners have made up for her shortcomings in the past. If Cara wants to cement her place as an elite, she needs to help Marie more.
1 Rope

Kam and Kayleigh: It has been a quiet season for Kam. When Kayleigh blows up on Nelson later in the episode, she make it a point to intervene so she does not lose a second partner. Kam does fine in the Challenge, Kayleigh drops at the second rope. Kam likely drops after this.
2 Ropes

Derrick and Tori: Derrick falls dramatically on the fourth rope while Tori is on the second rope. They do not get along and they are not good.
2 Ropes

Winner of the Challenge: Brad and Kyle (they win an advantage for the next challenge)

Redemption House Losers: CT and Veronica (CT is pissed).

Post Challenge: Everyone goes to the bar and has a good time. Kayleigh blows up when they get back to the house because she believes Nelson is into faith. The next morning they makeup. Brad is focused on facetiming Britni in order to clear things up or to break off the relationship.

In the Redemption House, CT is fuming. We see the old version of CT as he lashing out and throwing chairs. As much as it was Veronica’s fault that they lost, CT should not act that way at all. Even if Veronica is not a good competitor anymore, there is no reason to be so harsh with a partner.

3 Biggest Takeaways:

#1 Everyone is too fit. There’s a scene where everyone is working out, and if you check social media, most of the Challengers are in the best shape of their lives. It is sickening. They need more tequila and hot wings so we get some entertainingly bad performances out of them.

#2 Brad is still a good guy. With everything going on between him and his ex wife on social media recently, this episode showed that despite him making questionable choice, Brad is a man with good intentions and a conscience.

#3 CT needs to chill. He has had great partners in recent seasons. Veronica is not the best partner, but he should have played up her strengths and made her feel good rather than pressure her and make her doubt herself.



Allan Aguirre

27 years old. I blog about MTV's the Challenge and will dabble into other subjects occasionally. Follow me on Twitter for the occasional bad joke.