Challenge Double Agents Mid-Season Trailer Breakdown

Allan Aguirre
9 min readFeb 12, 2021


I will be breaking down the midseason trailer of the Challenge Season 36 Double Agents as I do every season with extensive trailers. There are no spoilers in this article that you won’t figure out by watching the trailer super slowly. YES, there are spoilers, but they are spoilers via inference and analysis. Essentially, if I see something with my eyes in this trailer, it is not a spoiler.

If you prefer videos, I did the full breakdown in Video Format as well:

Let’s go!

The midseason trailer opens with scenes we saw in the preseason trailers. One is players skydiving (super generic), and the other is of two players (likely partners) holding onto a set of ropes held up by a helicopter. In the second still, you could see a player dropping down into the water. This is either a swimming challenge, a rope-climbing challenge, or an endurance challenge where you have to hold on as long as possible (similar to the cargo net challenge).

We then get two sound bytes; Leroy says the name of the game is to get your skull, and Aneesa says she just wants to make it to the final. It’s been 12 years since she made one. The footage we see is partners fenced into their own mini cages. If I had to guess, it’s an overnight challenge similar to the players standing on the boxes together on Rivals 3. In the second image, you can see Aneesa and Fessy holding what looks like a medicine ball together.

They follow it up with two different views of the entire pack of players sprinting at the start of the daily challenge. I count 18 total players in the widescreen image, meaning that this is next week’s daily challenge. You can see Lolo Jones out in front, which is no surprise as she’s an Olympic sprinter, if you weren’t aware. I think Leroy and Kaycee might be the pair trailing far behind. Considering they both have Gold Skulls, they don’t need to win.

We get three additional shots. The first is of two players running in the snow together wearing their winter jackets (different from the images above). The following two images are of a player chained up and Fessy looking sleepy. One would assume that this is the daily challenge where players are fenced in; however, that daily challenge looked like it was set in a warehouse, whereas this one is inside a cave.

One of the marquee scenes of the trailer is an angry Big T calling CT a liar, to which he replies that he didn’t lie; he just broke a promise. A line that a serial cheater would use.

I have two guesses as to what happened. Either CT voted in one Big T’s number #1 allies in Gabby/Amber, ultimately sending them home, or a more significant jump, he won an elimination and switched partners. I’m emotionally not ready for a potential Hawk and Fluffy Bunny split.

We get a scene of Kam telling some that she plays honest and they don’t. The person we see after she says this is a nonchalant looking Kyle. This seems like a misdirection since even though Kyle is known for being a bit snake-ish, he is generally forthright in his relationship with Kam.

We get a cryptic scene with TJ telling the crowd of players that no one is in the final. I think this is TJ pulling a fast one on them where he says after the fact that nobody is in unless they have a skull. There is a giant Easter egg in this scene because I don’t know if you could tell, but it looks like CT and Big T are standing in the winners’ area, meaning they potentially win another daily challenge together this season. Maybe this is the moment that angered Big T, either via CT sending himself into elimination and swapping partners or putting her best friend in elimination.

We get shots and sound bytes of Amber B and Kyle prepping for eliminations. Amber is trying to get her Skull; meanwhile, Kyle sounds pissed off and backstabbed. To make matters worse, he has the same helmet that Nelson/Fessy had on for Hall Brawl. We know they have reused the eliminations this season.

There is an explosion for no reason; however, some big potential spoilers are coming up if you want to dip out at this point.

Amber B is playing Hall Brawl, and it looks like she about to win the round. Darrell is playing the same reverse tug of war that Kaycee/Theresa just played in. The last time Darrell did a reverse tug of war, it was against Nelson, they ended in a draw after multiple restarts.

Nany is playing the same Pole Wrestle that Kyle and Jacob played earlier in the season. She has been in two past Pole Wrestles; one is her exile win against Brittany Baldassari, the fastest Pole Wrestle win in Challenge history. The other was her loss to Theresa in that same season in the final elimination. Big T is playing the Hog Tie elimination that Natalie/Ashley and Jay/Leroy played. Considering her size, this might be the best elimination for her out of the ones that have gotten used this season.

There is Cory puking footage that I don’t feel the need to show you to understand what a person vomiting looks like. We get a Devin “Let’s Go!” sound byte as the view we get looks like him and Gabby prepping to jump into the water and swim. The next shot is of a player snorkeling underwater besides some rocks. It looks super cool.

We then see a male player navigating their way through a cave. He has the same gear on that Fessy does from earlier.

There is an overhead shot of a hamster ball daily challenge. No clue how this daily challenge works. There are spots in the ground where you may have to make your way to a hole before the other teams’ musical chair style. Cory should excel in this challenge. Lolo may have issues.

Lolo tells Nam she wants a guy who accepts for who she is. We then see him walking away. At this point, they feel like a 90-day fiancé couple who should not get married.

We get a Gabby-Fessy bedside make-out. This got shown in the preseason trailers; honestly, I thought it happened already and gotten edited out similar to Fessy’s make-out with Ashley and Mechie/Amber’s showmance. Gabby has a boyfriend at home, and Fessy’s fiancé Tori is waiting for him with orchids at the airport.

There is a Kamroy scene with Leroy telling Kam that nobody will be honest in a “Double Agent” game.

We are getting an 80s themed party! Also, a big CT vs Fessy fight! Who wants to see CT in elimination? Fessy, I know nacho ass.

Gabby tells Devin he definitely has a punchable face, to which Devin looks like he would agree with.

Cory, at deliberation, says he deserves to make the final. Maybe he is pleading to get into one of the last eliminations to earn his Gold Skull.

We get four scenery images that really tell us nothing. They look cool at least.

They end the trailer with what looks like a couple shots of the final. Amber B has a scene saying she signed up to be here and is gonna do whatever it takes to win. Nany is in tears, asking why she is there. Not sure what could have happened to Nany at this point to get her this upset. The only person left in the game who I could imagine making Nany this upset is if Leroy tried to double-cross her. I don’t see that happening any time soon, so I’m super curious to why she is so upset.


The people we see most prominently in this trailer are:

  • CT
  • Fessy
  • Devin
  • Kyle
  • Leroy
  • Amber B
  • Kam
  • Big T
  • Nany

People we see a decent amount:

  • Cory
  • Kaycee
  • Gabby
  • Aneesa

People we barely see:

  • Darrell
  • Nam
  • Lolo

People we don’t see or basically don’t:

  • Josh
  • Amber
  • Landon



Allan Aguirre
Allan Aguirre

Written by Allan Aguirre

28 years old. I blog about MTV's the Challenge and will dabble into other subjects occasionally. Follow me on Twitter for the occasional bad joke.

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