Challenge Dirty 30 Player Preview: Marie Roda

Allan Aguirre
6 min readJun 17, 2017


Raise your hand if you’re a fan of Marie Roda. Okay, me too. This girl is a hilarious shit talker. One of the unseen storylines from the Invasion premiere, is that Marie and Kailah got into a big shit talking session while in the Shelter. It saddens me that we lost Marie on the first episode. She had not been on a Challenge in 5 years, and was the first on to go after developing a rival and future ex (Anthony).

Here’s a clip from her first time on the Challenge:


We first encountered Marie on Real World St. Thomas in 2012. St. Thomas is one of the worst 5 or 10 RW seasons ever. The first time I watched the season, Marie was probably my least favorite person after Brandon Kane. After re-watching St. Thomas, I realized how insufferable the people around her were, and that her brutal honesty was needed and kind of hilarious.

She has a devilish personality in the best way possible. Marie is quick-witted and intelligent, something that is often missing on the Challenge. During her appearance on Battle of the Seasons (2012), Marie seemed to do well in many events, and defeated Cara Maria in the oil wrestling mission. Her team had bad chemistry and was not able to put their differences aside in order to win. Frank Sweeney said after the season that Marie was the strongest girl, which is biased as they were good friends, still a good statement to be said about you. We did not see Marie again until Invasion of the Champions, where her Real World season a bit of an afterthought considering how fresh and new the cast was.

Marie’s main regret was going balls out in her decision to take on Kailah in the first elimination. Her hatred of the shelter and having not been on a Challenge in years led her to live with a “fuck it” attitude. Little did she know, or even we know that Kailah is a lot stronger than she looks. Marie whose forte was getting physical got beat by a girl smaller than her. She could deal good hits on Kailah, the problem was that she did not train for Invasion, and did not have the endurance to keep up with Kailah.

If you want to see the expectations for Marie before Invasion, here it was:

It will be interesting to see the blonde beauty back again. After taking a big gap between Challenges, she knew she could not go out like she did on Invasion. My hope is that she worked out going into this season.

Now here’s a review of Marie as a competitor, as well as her social media handles for reference:

Skills & Physical Strength: Strength and raw physicality are Marie’s strong suit. Part of her sex appeal, but also part of her strength is that she has these incredible hips and calves. They are perfect for wrestling or tackling someone down. Marie is also quite tall, and it is quite intimidating if you had to play a physical game with her. She’s played sports her whole life, is a good swimmer, and has natural athletic skills.

The drawbacks to her game is her real life. Marie works in sales, an actual day job where she makes money and salary. A bit crazy for a reality star, though not all of them can be models, personal trainers, or Johnny Bananas. Thus, Marie’s life does not revolve around training or the Challenge, she grinds the normal 9–5. And when she is not working, like a normal person she is having fun. Marie is known for being to put down as much alcohol as Andre the Giant. Fun person to hang out with, though not as good for her fitness on these challenges.

Marie is a good athlete.

Mental & Social Game: Where Marie stands in terms of “alliances” will be interesting. After the season ended, Marie spent time hanging out with Jenna and her crew. When she was on Invasion, and after Invasion, she was still aligned with the Lavender Ladies (Amanda, Ashley, Shane, Sylvia). Will she be playing the game with Amanda and Ashley, or will be she be playing with Jenna and Kailah? This will decide her game, and hopefully she can be a floater until on of the sides presents itself as being much stronger.

The one true ally that she comes into this season with is her St. Thomas cast-mate, her girl, LaToya Jackson. Toya is not a strong competitor, she is a strong willed loyal friend, and that matters more sometimes.

Being an intelligent adult person is a major advantage against some of the drunk 22 year olds. She is fun to be around, will get you drunk before she’s even halfway intoxicated, and has all the tools to be the house favorite.

Eliminations: Her current elimination record stands at 1–2. Her loss on Battle of the Seasons was due to Robb’s weak lungs from smoking and his inability to stay under water for long periods of time. Her one win is not pretty either, as sheand Robb won the endurance elimination for Battle of the Seasons against Alton and Nany, when it is visibly looked like Alton was trying to throw the competition. She lost to Kailah fair and square, and that is nothing to be disappointed with, she’s a strong girl.

Strength and size generally decides who is “good” at eliminations, Marie is built for them in theory, let’s see what she has in her.

Final Potential & Endurance: Considering she gassed in her elimination with Kailah last season, it is hard to imagine her winning a final. She would have needed to have overhauled her training and diet to do well in a final.

Before talking winning the final, she needs to make one first. Marie is a dark horse candidate to make the final. While she is not a favorite to make it there, it would not be shocking for her to be one of the final 3 women standing at the finish line. I could see a 2nd place finish on her first attempt, most likely a 3rd in the event she ends up in a final.

Final Score: 79/100



Allan Aguirre

28 years old. I blog about MTV's the Challenge and will dabble into other subjects occasionally. Follow me on Twitter for the occasional bad joke.