Challenge Dirty 30 Episode 8 Preview: Trivia Power Rankings

Allan Aguirre
3 min readSep 4, 2017


Every season of The Challenge hits its peak with the trivia episode. Here we get to see beautiful people show how dumb they truly are, and eventually one person or team is crowned the smartest of dumbest. What makes it even more entertaining is TJ Lavin laughing when players are shot into the water.

Here is how the players rank going into the mission.


10. Cory*: Last season, during the first puzzle portion of the final, Cory ended up counting the triangles in the letters of the instructions. Not the brightest crayon in the box.

9. LeRoy: He did win the partner compatibility contest in Rivals 2. However, when it comes to any real trivia, LeRoy has basically never gotten a question right.

8. Nelson: As a strip club manager, he has to construct work schedules. So at the very least, he should have knowledge on the number of hours in a day.

7. Hunter*: Might be the dumbest one in the Young Bucks alliance. However, I’m banking on Hunter being Southern and having knowledge of weird shit like hunting and skinning animals.

6. Tony: Another dumb guy. However, being that he’s sucked on so many seasons, I cannot actually penalize him, because he’s never done well enough to actually make it to the trivia episode!

5. Derrick: This is a tough one. Derrick is not great at mental competitions or puzzles. He does have great memory of historical events though. On top of that, he knows sports and television shows.

4. Dario: Dario is the fourth smartest guy in the house? Dario is the fourth smartest guy in the house…

3/2. Bananas/CT: With all the seasons both have competed on, neither have won any trivia. Considering their competition, this may be their best chance.

1. Jordan: Known for being good at trivia/knowing random stuff.


9 .Jemmye: Not a mental player — she is a social player. Also not a physical player.

8. Britni: Haven’t seen her do a puzzle or trivia.

7. Jenna: Seems to always get the easiest questions.

6. Camila: During her Challenge career, has given many a dumb answer.

5. Kailah: She has good pop culture and television knowledge and has a decent head on her shoulders.

4. Cara Maria: Very hit or miss. Either she knows it, or SHE REALLY DOESN’T KNOW IT.

3. Tori: She’s good at a lot of things. Great music and pop culture knowledge.

2. Veronica: Any adult with actual understanding of the world, outside of MTV, has the mental edge. Beyond that, Veronica is a smart cookie, who’s well-traveled and knows a ton of random shit from experience.

1. Nicole: There are people in life who love to learn. Nicole excels in trivia and loves to learn random stuff. On Battle of the Bloodlines, she didn’t get a trivia question wrong.

The best part about trivia challenges are that they’re so random. Jay/Jenna winning trivia is the most out-of-the-blue thing ever, and drastically changed the game on Exes 2. The worst team in the game suddenly had power. Other times the winner makes complete sense — Zach Nichols is a history buff who took AP History growing up and kills trivia.

Some smart people are going to lose, and some dumb people are bound to get lucky.



Allan Aguirre

27 years old. I blog about MTV's the Challenge and will dabble into other subjects occasionally. Follow me on Twitter for the occasional bad joke.