Challenge Dirty 30: Darrell is in Purgatory

Allan Aguirre
3 min readAug 8, 2017


Based on the trailers, the Redemption House people are about to make their splash back into the game sometime soon. It looks like we will get one more elimination, some house drama, then possibly a redemption where only they play, or a redemption where they have to play against the entire house.

One of the great subplots so far of this Dirty 30 season is that Darrell is in the Redemption House. One might not notice as he was nowhere to be seen during the Shane/Simone fight, and has seemed to be either working out or napping in Darrell fashion.

Darrell does not come to the Challenge to get eliminated on the first episode, he comes to win Challenges and make money. Why is he here for his 8th Challenge?

The Redemption House may be the best for Darrell. He is not the best in daily challenges and often does not take them very seriously till the end of the season. For Darrell, the opportunity to spend his days getting in shape and getting ready to kick ass for when he comes back, that might set up him up the best. LeRoy brough up something good on the No Quitters Podcast about how Darrell did Champions vs Pros and had to be in New York to film the Invasio reunion directly before they had to leave for Dirty 30. Darrell was not training and eating like Darrell would have wanted before this season. By being in the Redemption House, Darrell is now given a chance to prepare to himself to kick everyone’s ass and get into normal Darrell conditioning.

You also get a Darrell who wants to send Cory home and win more than ever now. That’s a scary prospect.

The bad part about this experience is who he is living with.

I think I love everyone in the Redemption House now that Shane and Simone are gone. Devin and Amanda are hilarious, LaToya is chill, Briana seems happy to be there, and as long as Derrick shuts up about his girlfriend, he’ll be fine. The problem is these kids are more focused on partying and drinking, while Darrell wants to win. He’s not part of Tuesday Tinis, he is solely focused on kicking ass.

Redemption Battles

The prospective competitors that will face in Redemption are a cakewalk. One of them is Devin, whose main skill is drinking beer and being a social player. He might get fully eaten by Darrell. Derrick H got torched by Cory in their 1 v 1 elimination, and was not ready for the intensity that an elimination requires. It looks like will get 1 or 2 more male competitors in the pool. Devin revealed there were 10 beds in the exile house, meaning we could be waiting for 1 more of each sex as there would have been 10 with Shane and Simone. Or they wait for the house to hit capacity.

The names being talked about most for elimination are Ammo and Tony. If they lose, Darrell should welcome them and inform them to keep their bags packed. Tony has lost every single damn mission this season and is only in the game because of Cory. I think Darrell can beat Ammo in something physical — a bold statement.

Four hours until the show is on for the East coast feed, seven hours till the West coast feed, let’s go.



Allan Aguirre

27 years old. I blog about MTV's the Challenge and will dabble into other subjects occasionally. Follow me on Twitter for the occasional bad joke.