Challenge Champs vs Stars Episode 3 Recap

Allan Aguirre
4 min readDec 6, 2017


We pick up where we left off last week with the fight between TO and CT. It ends with TO, CT, and Ashley (also upset at TO for making light of her situation), all walking away from the situation. The aftermath is Ariane nominating herself as LVP. The Miz informs Emily that she may nominate anyone from her team for elimination. She is allowed to nominate Jenna giving Ariane a default win, and she chooses to do so in order to not lose either Aneesa or Ashley.

Zach meets with Jenna the day after as she packs to go to the hospital for surgery. Bananas and Justina decide to unite the Champs and Stars teams by dressing like each other. It is somewhat shocking to find out how voluptuous Bananas is. Ashley also gets a call telling her that her father is in better condition.

The Challenge

When the players arrive to the challenge (hosted at Sky Zone, also this article paid for and brought to you by Sky Zone — SKY ZONE: the place to make jumps come true). It is here they are informed that TO has quit the show. The Stars are disappointed to lose their superstar athlete.

They find out the game is Slam Ball. It’s essentially basketball on trampolines with none of the rules of basketball besides putting the ball in the basket. Each team has two baskets they can score in, and the rounds will be five minutes, played in the teams of three. Best of five wins.

Round 1

Zach/Bananas/Emily vs RiFF/Shawn/Kim

In this round, Zach and Bananas completely take advantage of the Stars team who only have one male competitor on the court. Zach dunks all over the place for four points, while RiFF RaFF does a great job of scoring through jump shots for three points of his own. The Champs win 6–4, and would have won by more if Emily could make a lay up.

Round 2

Wes/CT/Aneesa vs Matt/Michelle/Justina

The stars having more people is actually a disadvantage because the Champs males are allowed to go twice due to their lack of players. They’re able to put two guys in every round, while the Stars can only do that once. Wes and CT’s passing in this game was perfect, they were Stockton and Malone out there. In this round the true difference maker was Michelle who decided to tackle and attack everyone in sight. The Karate Hottie knows how to hit, but the Stars score almost no points. Again, another win for the Champs.

Round 3

Zach/CT/Ashley vs Josh/Romeo/Ariane

Romeo is uber confident due to his experience as a college basketball player. He’s not ready for Slam Ball. Zach posted up and dunked on him. In a heated round where Romeo accused Zach of intentionally elbowing him in the temple, the Champs win 2–1, to sweep the competition. They are dominating the Stars. Romeo shows a ton of weaknesses by coming up with his body guard and asking to see the footage of the elbow to see if it was intentional. It took Wes to talk him down from his emotional roller coaster.

Zach is named MVP for the Champs.

Post Game

Ashley gets a call that she needs to leave to see her dad as the good signs have turned for the worst. She melts down from the reality that her dad is passing on. Her dad has passed, and hopefully she is doing okay now. Zach decides to donate his winnings as MVP of that day to Ashley’s charity.

RiFF RaFF is ready to go back into elimination, but hilariously he was the best player on the Stars in the challenge. Romeo wants to go in to get revenge and make a statement. On the other side, Zach tells the group he doesn’t want to nominate Wes because he wants to see him in a final, as he is looking to win. Wes actually volunteers for the elimination for the lack of action that he’s had in missions, and so he could use this act for political leverage later in the game.


Wes and Romeo volunteer and go in. Much the chagrin of RiFF RaFF who feels betrayed by his team for not letting him volunteer.

The Elimination

Haha, just kidding. MTV pulled a cliffhanger on us. We find out that RiFF RaFF did not show up to watch the elimination, and that Wes/Romeo will be playing in a game that is similar to Tug of War, except where they are trying to climb down while being elevated by pulleys. Wes vs Romeo is the modern day Hunter vs Nelson.



Allan Aguirre

28 years old. I blog about MTV's the Challenge and will dabble into other subjects occasionally. Follow me on Twitter for the occasional bad joke.