Bachelor Hometowns: Which family was your favorite?

Allan Aguirre
6 min readFeb 26, 2017


Hometowns is a special time for the Bachelor world, we cling to our pillows and sip our wine fiendishly during the final rose ceremonies before hometowns in hopes that we get to see the families of our favorite candidates or sometimes just the most interesting or weirdest ones.

Excuse for me basically ignoring names of some of the family members and parents. I often write these while re-watching the episodes, and am currently busy binge-watching the MTV show Are You The One, in order to catch up.

Raven’s family

The first family trip was over to Ms. Raven Gates’s home in Hoxie, Arkansas. Here Raven and Nick got hot and heavy in the mud, did some four-wheeling, and got their make-out on. The sexual chemistry between the two was at its highest since the show started, and I feel like Nick really does have some feelings for Raven. When it comes down to it, Raven is the most fun girl in the group, and while I feel like Nick also has a lot of fun with Rachel, she also has a level of seriousness and professionalism that comes along with being a lawyer. To my surprise, Nick does incredibly well in the mud, and it’s the perfect temperature for him to take his shirt off, which is a signature Viall move. I’ve said this before, but I get the feeling that Nick would enjoy dating Raven, and if the choice was a 5 year dating relationship, he’d pick Raven as she is fun and they would not really get tired of each other.

It was very cute how Raven messed with Nick by bringing up her cop brother Wes in to mess with him. When Nick is awkward and flustered it is hilarious. You could see that he wants to just say that he’s “THE BACHELOR” as his credential, but he also knows that this is to an officer in Arkansas who probably does not care about him being the Bachelor, and him being the Bachelor might make the situation worse. In the end it was cute to see how welcoming Raven’s family is to Nick, and while I am sure they have different beliefs in politics and religion than I do, they seemed very homely and kind. The scene Raven and her father share where he tells her that he is cancer-free is so sweet and heart-warming. It would be nice to see Raven, I just do not see it happening, and if it does not happen, I do not want to see her possibly get crushed harder at the end.

Rachel’s Family

The decision of Rachel’s father not to appear on the show as he is a federal judge is a good one on his part and for Rachel. As a professional of the law, it is good he stay anonymous and knowing that him and Nick were able to have a real conversation off-camera comforts me. It is even a bigger advantage as it is not played up for the camera. Rachel and Nick have a special connection and friendship where they feel very natural together, but it’s hard to explain. That is why when Rachel’s family is asking about the race difference between them and why he is attracted to her, he cannot put his finger on it and goes into one of his awkward Nick moments.

Rachel’s family was awesome and dynamic. Her younger sister was really nice and perky, a younger Rachel. Not sure if she is studying to be a lawyer too, but I would love to see her show up on the next season of the Bachelor. I also love that her older sister is dating a silly white man who pokes fan at the fact that Nick is also white. It shows that it is not completely awkward for Nick, but still a bit humorous that Nick is tip-toeing his words with Rachel’s mother and family. The best situation was when Nick and Rachel went to their family church and he could not clap to the beat. As a person with a bad sense of rhythm, I feel Nick’s pain, but it is funny nonetheless.

Corinne’s family

Nick and Corinne’s date when they went shopping was played up for the camera, but also perfect. Corinne bought him a single outfit that cost over 3000 dollars. I am not sure if my current wardrobe even sniffs half of that. Here’s the tough part for Nick, even though he likes Corinne, it very much feels like she is working on limited time in the last few episodes, and she just bought him a 3000 dollar outfit. I do not think I could send someone home the week after they bought me a sundae, let alone a jacket that cost more than a 1000 dollars. That outfit cost more than my car! Nick calling Corinne his “babe” on the date was both endearing and cringe-worthy. It is a bit rude to call on girl babe, when you are dating 3 other girls and trying to stay fair. Then again, I love to call my significant others cute pet names when we are together, these little things matter for healthy relationships.

Corinne’s family was everything I expected and more! They were essentially the family from my Big Fat Greek wedding except with millions of dollars and a nanny/housekeeper/family member in Raquel. Her sister’s name was Taylor, which explains so much, and we found out that Corinne is the oldest. Being the oldest probably gives Corinne her sense of entitlement when it comes to inheriting the “multi-million dollar company”. Then again, if I was Corinne’s father, I would be weirdly confident with leaving her the business. She will obviously do anything to win, and the way the business is set up, the only way she could really fail is if she shops too much.

Corinne’s father was my favorite. I did not know that people prepare “special olives”, and when Nick said it was the best olive that he’s ever had, I know that he is not lying. Nick, like me, probably hates olives and would never just eat an olive like it’s a grape, so even though he didn’t like them, he did not lie that it was the best olive for him ever. The scene where Corinne and her father discuss whether she would be fine with being the “bread-winner” was my favorite Corinne moment of the entire show. She took a moment and legitimately though about it, and gave an honest agreements towards it. You can really feel that Corinne loves Nick, and she would possibly give up a life by the pool for a life in an office.

Vanessa’s family:

In the three times that I’ve watched the episode, this family just bores me and forces me to trail off. They grilled Nick hard, and he kind of crumbled under the pressure. The Italian roots was very cute, and there was a good amount of culture on this episode in general.

Nick is a fair liar; he lies a lot, sometimes bad, and sometimes good, most of the time in order to protect himself and the feelings of others. Nick straight up lies to protect himself when he says that he would move to Montreal, but also you could get the vibe that Vanessa really wants to move out to Los Angeles with Nick.

Although I sometimes doubt how much she cares about her work at home as a special needs teacher, her class showed an authentic care for Vanessa. They obviously love her, and it was nice to see that she was a human. Another great edit by production for Vanessa.

Here is what I am missing from the episode, did Nick really ask the other father’s for their blessing in marriage? I feel as if Nick lied and said that he did in order to keep the news from Vanessa that she was special, but if it is true, then I am surprised they did not show all of those scenes.

Family Ranking:

  1. Rachel
  2. Corinne
  3. Raven
  4. Vanessa



Allan Aguirre

28 years old. I blog about MTV's the Challenge and will dabble into other subjects occasionally. Follow me on Twitter for the occasional bad joke.