10 Biggest Takeaways from Champs vs Stars 3

Allan Aguirre
5 min readMay 25, 2018

With six episodes in the books, I figured I’d review the biggest takeaways from Champs vs Stars 3: the good, the bad, and the flat out entertaining.

#1 Ashley needs to find a middle ground

I am a huge Ashley Mitchell fan. I admire the way she has used her brain to get a leg up on superior physical competitors and her comedic presence in confessionals. As a savvy player with a whole lot of crazy in her, Ashley, in many ways, is the perfect reality star. The first few episodes displayed why Ashley is such a powerhouse. She turned on her smiles and became best friends with Brooke Hogan while controlling the Red Team. Then Louise Hazel flipped the script on Ashley and she completely fell apart. Enraged, Ashley went on a tirade cursing out the Stars and her Champs teammates.

She threw missions, which in an ordinary game is fine, except when you’re playing for charity, then it seems disingenuous. Obviously, her team winning those missions led to the power-plays screwing over the Champs, but you cannot evaluate your game after random variables like the power-play. One week the power-play is sit someone out, another week it is literally switch the nominations. Ashley needs to level out around the middle instead of going from 0–100 so much. Maybe on the next season.

#2 Louise Hazel ascension into Challenge Superstar

It is incredibly fascinating to see an athlete from Champs vs Pros enjoying the experience so much, that they end up watching the real show afterward. Louise became a Challenge fan by being on the Challenge, and returned not only wanting to compete physically, but to play the strategic and political game as well. She is beating Wes because she is an Olympic athlete who can dominate the female division physically and she is just as smart as him mentally. Louise can feel secure because she can beat anyone in the game and run it politically for the Stars. She’s keen on doing a real season… and if MTV lets her, you can expect her to win. It is hard to see anyone able to go toe to toe with her.

#3 Wes is always entertaining

When Wes is in power, it is fun to see him control the game or lose control of it. When the game places Wes in a tough position, it is even more fun to see him battle his way out or find an escape route to flip the game on its head. Literally, there is no such thing as a boring Wes. He brings it every season and is easily one of the most entertaining Challenge competitors of all time.

#4 Casper is annoying, but a beast

Casper’s cockiness and his retorts get on my nerves at times. However, you cannot ignore the fact that he has been destroying the challenges this season, as if he were a Champion himself. It is not his fault that he does not trust the Champs whatsoever as Tony blindsided him into the first elimination. Fans are too harsh on him because he is ruffling their favorites’ feathers, he deserves more respect considering what he brings as a competitor.

#5 Kailah needs to take a page out of Tori’s book

Kailah has been a better competitor than Tori this season. Though if you asked fans, they would tell you the opposite. Kailah needs to be more lighthearted and playful. She carries herself like a warrior, and while that is needed in the Challenge, to be liked as a teammate and a player, you need to be a comedian or less serious. Tori gets people to fall in love with her and thus they believe in her. She gets too much unwarranted hate for being a good player.

#6 Boobie and Lil Mama are cool as fuck

Simple as that. These two craft their confessionals in such a fun and low-key fashion. Lil Mama calling Kailah a bum was hilarious. She kept her cool and roasted her. We never get to see good burns like that on the actual show. Likewise, they have each brought it as competitors. Boobie defended the goal in the hockey challenge at a high level.

#7 Selita and Jozea are whack

Selita is a walking contradiction who has brought nothing to the show. Jozea justs sucks.

#8 Brooke Hogan is a sweetheart

She is an amazon woman with gargantuan size and can manhandle all the girls on the cast, and Jozea. Yet, she is a gentle soul who has wholeheartedly tried to be friends with everyone on the show (and has shown this even through social media interactions). I want to see Brooke in another elimination this season, her win against Kam was a great display of her strength.

#9 Tony Time is Tiring

I’ll admit that I still laugh whenever Tony uses the phrase “Tony Time”. Mostly because I love catchphrases and find it so idiotic. People are complaining Tony is too full of himself these days, but if you watch older seasons, Tony has always been this cocky, the difference now is that he can back up his bark.

#10 CT has been quiet

We simply have not seen much from him this season which is a bit shocking.



Allan Aguirre

27 years old. I blog about MTV's the Challenge and will dabble into other subjects occasionally. Follow me on Twitter for the occasional bad joke.